Accelerated Reading
AR Deadlines
AR FolderAll students are required to have an AR folder for libray visits. They will be given a packet with information on all of our reading programs, as well as information on using student ecards and other library information.
If your child loses his/her folder, you can print a new packet here. AR Book FindYou can visit to look up book summaries and the number of points each book is worth.
AR PoliciesStudents at LOM will no longer be required to earn a certain amount of AR points per nine weeks and AR is NO LONGER for a grade. However, we do encourage the students to participate in the Battle of the Books and The MESH Society reading challenges. Students can test in their ELA classrooms, their class library time, and in the library at recess on days the library is open. Questions about AR can be answered by your child's ELA teacher.
AR Home ConnectWarning: Some Internet browsers are not compatible with the new update.
Try using Google Chrome or Safari! Go to: Once there: Username: your child’s student ID# Password: your child’s first and last initial Select "School Year' to see how many words your child has read and how many points your child has earned for the year. Video Tutorial: Using AR Home Connect |